ATTENTION XTINA: Don't read this post if you want you're Xmas present to remain a secret. As you said: "The world doesn't always have good surprises."
I'm proud to be called a widow. A deer hunter widow. Though it's from my sister and not a husband. But that's okay because that doesn't change the fact that I get the house all to myself for two weeks. SWEET! Party's at my place!
And with the deer hunting opener comes the craft sale-ing. There were tons of events going on...Majestic Oaks Boutiques (this one is still going on until Nov 13th), Blaine High School, Andover Community Center, Forest Lake, and my family favorite and tradition....Elk River.
I met up with my cousin Saturday morning and we hit the high school. It was kind of a dud. I guess it just seemed bigger because we were smaller. We had more fun running up and down the halls because the moms were too boring and crafting was boring. But lucky for us, our moms rubbed off on us and we're keeping the tradition alive. (Mom's Up North and my aunt's in Arizona snow-birding already!) It's more about spending time with the women that you love than actually buying something. At least, that's how it is for me.
The one and only thing that caught both of our eyes was an ornament. Elegant yet simple. They looked like they would be cheap and super easy to make. Perfect for general gifts for coworkers and neighbors, even my hairdresser possibly. I'd rather give her a $5 gift than a holiday bonus.
I've already found inexpensive clear bulbs at Menards of all places (and way cheaper than JoAnn's). The spendy part comes for buying two-sided scrap-booking paper at Archiver's. They are all so pretty and I can't decide on just one design so I bought all of 'em.
I've already made 6 bulbs. My fingers (and back) hurt so bad for the tedious task of rolling the paper but it's totally worth it. They look so gorgeous.
The camera does not do justice. They look much better in person. |
Tomorrow I am going to keep on working. I've got 18 more bulbs to make. Christmas will be here soon enough and it's a little time consuming.
And I still have Christmas cookies to make for the exchange at work for next Monday. And I need to get pictures taken with my sister for this year's Christmas card. We've never done one and I think it'd be fun. She just needs to get her butt out of a tree and back to the cities.