Sunday, October 31, 2010

Harvest Fest

On Saturday I volunteered to work at the Andover Y's 4th Annual Harvest Fest.  I've did it the first year and it was not nearly as a success as this year was.  For kids participating, an early estimate is over 400 kids and parents.

I started out the day directing parents and kids in the parking lot to where the Trunk Or Treating was.  There was a steady flow of people coming for about 20-30 minutes.  After the people walking up to the door tapered off, I headed indoors to see where I was needed. 

The community rooms were full of people playing bingo and walking the cake walk, eating snickerdoodle cookies and drinking the classic orange drink from McDonald's.  In the fieldhouse, we had tons of games and the lines for each game where long.  All the stations were already man-ed, so I headed out to find my boss.  My job that I was assigned to was perfect....handing out over 200 toothbrushes that we donated by an Anoka dentist.  They went like hot cakes.  Two hundred toothbrushes were gone in less than 30 minutes.  Some adults were lucky enough to get a toothbrush too.

Towards the end of the day, I was one of three costume judges.  We handed out 24 prizes over 8 age categories.  Many cute costumes, but the ones that stick out in my mind were 2 sets of costumes.  The first were Preschool Age:  Dorothy and The Wicked Witch of the West.  The second was First Grade Age:  "Best Friends" charms.  One had half of the heart charm that said "Best" while the other girl had the second half of the charm that said "Friends".  Too cute.  The babies were adorable too.  Lamb Chop got first place.
 As I was heading out the door, I saw a baby dressed up like Yoda.  If that baby had been in the contest, hands down First Place!!! 


Gina said...

Wow sounds like it was success! That baby Yoda would have been cute! Lukas was that one year for Halloween.